Alabama Chapter Bylaws
Alabama Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
Article 1 – Name and Objectives
(a) The name of this organization shall be the Alabama Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
(ALAFS), hereinafter referred to as the Chapter and Society, respectively.
(b) The objectives of the Chapter shall be those of the American Fisheries Society as set forth in
Article 1 of the Constitution of the Society, including active involvement in support of the wise
use and management of Alabama’s aquatic resources, and exchange of information among
Chapter members.
(c) All activities of this Chapter shall conform to the Society’s Constitution, Rules, and Procedures.
Article 2 – Membership
(a) The membership of the Chapter shall be composed of individuals who have an interest in the
fisheries and related issues of importance to the State of Alabama.
(b) Only active (dues paying) members of the Society may hold office, chair a committee, and vote
on Chapter affairs.
(c) Affiliate members, defined as members of the Chapter but not the Society, are encouraged to
attend and participate in Chapter functions. Affiliate members are entitled to receive any
correspondence distributed by the Chapter and can attend the Annual Meeting. Affiliate
members are also permitted to discuss business at the Annual Business Meeting and serve on a
Chapter committee with prior notice to the Chapter Executive Committee. Affiliate members
may not vote, hold office, or chair a committee.
Article 3 – Meetings
(a) The Chapter shall hold at least one meeting annually at a time and place designated by the
Executive Committee. Special meetings may be called by the President with the advice and
consent of the Chapter Executive Committee, and with sufficient advance notice, as per Article
3(b), to the membership via email or electronic notification. The special meeting notice shall
include topics that will be covered on the agenda.
(b) The Chapter shall hold an annual business meeting and membership must be notified by mail or email at least 30 days before the annual business meeting, and at least 14 days before a special meeting.
(c) Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws or the Constitution of the Society, Chapter business
meetings shall be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article 4 – Officers
(a) The officers of the Chapter shall consist of President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and
Immediate Past President.
(b) Chapter officers shall be selected from the membership and be in good standing with the
Society. Officer candidates shall be nominated by the Nominations Committee which shall be
chaired by the Immediate Past President. The slate of nominees shall be presented to the
membership at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. Electronic voting shall conclude a
minimum of 10 days prior to the annual meeting. If the candidate position has not been
presented to the membership 30 days prior to the annual meeting, then nominations may be
submitted from the floor at the annual business meeting. A candidate must receive a simple
majority of votes cast to be successfully elected to office. Election of officers shall be at the
discretion of the President by electronic ballot or voice vote.
(c) The President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by vote via electronic ballot or
voice vote and installed at the upcoming business meeting. The President-elect shall advance to
the office of President and the President shall advance to the office of Immediate Past-President
at the end of the term. The Secretary and Treasurer’s terms of office will be three years.
(d) If an office is vacated, the Executive Committee shall appoint a qualified replacement to fill the
remainder of the term. If the presidency is vacated, the President-Elect shall serve the
remainder of his/her term.
(e) In the event of a cancellation of an annual meeting the officers and the members of any
committees shall continue to serve until the next scheduled meeting.
(f) All officers shall be members of the Society.
(g) No elected officer or appointed committee member shall receive any salary or other
compensation except for payment of Society dues. Expenses may be defrayed from funds
available to the Chapter when authorized by the Executive Committee.
Article 5 – Duties of Officers
(a) The President of the Chapter shall preside at all meetings, chair the Executive Committee, make
committee appointments, serve as a voting member of the Southern Division’s Executive
Committee and a non-voting member of the Society’s Governing Board, and perform other
duties and functions as authorized by the Chapter’s Executive Committee.
(b) The President-Elect shall chair the Program Committee, assume the duties of the President if the latter is unable to act, and advance to the office of President at the end of the term.
(c) The Secretary shall keep the official records of the Chapter, serve on the Membership committee, prepare official correspondence, including newsletters, maintain a current list of
Chapter members in good standing, and submit minutes of the Chapter meetings to the
Society’s Executive Director and the Southern Division’s Secretary-Treasurer within 30 days after each meeting.
(d) The Treasurer shall disburse funds as authorized by the Executive Committee or the
membership, submit a record of receipts and disbursements accompanied by a general financial
statement at the annual Chapter meeting, prepare and submit necessary tax forms, email
monthly bank account statements that include all transactions to the Executive Committee,
receive annual meeting registrations, and discharge other duties as requested by appropriate
Society officers.
(e) The Immediate Past President shall serve on the Executive Committee and chair the Nominating Committee.
Article 6 – Executive Committee
(a) The Executive Committee of the Chapter shall consist of elected officers, up to 2 at-large
members who may be appointed by the President for 1-year terms, and the Presidents of all
approved AFS Student Subunits in Alabama.
(b) The Executive Committee is authorized to act on behalf of the Chapter between annual
(c) A quorum is required for transaction of official business at an Executive Committee meeting. A
quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall consist of at least 4 of the 5 officers.
(d) Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote per motion brought before the
Executive Committee.
(e) Binding contracts or financial transactions that are on behalf of the Chapter and have
contractual obligations or payments that are equivalent to or exceed $500 in Chapter funds
need full Executive Committee review and majority approval by 4 of 5 officers.
(f) The Chapter’s bank account(s) will be accessible by the Treasurer, President, and President-Elect. It will be the duty of the outgoing Treasurer and Immediate Past President to ensure the
newly-elected Treasurer and President have control of the Chapter’s bank account(s).
Article 7 – Chapter Committees
(a) Committees and Chairpersons of committees, except as listed in Articles 5 and 6 of the Bylaws,
shall be appointed and charged by the President. Except for Standing Committees, these
Chapter committees shall cease to function upon the discharge of the duties for which they
were appointed.
(b) Standing Committees help the President and Executive Committee conduct the Chapter’s affairs, and the chairs should report their committee’s activities, findings, and recommendations at the annual business meeting and interim meetings of the Executive Committee.
(c) Standing Committees:
a. Award/Scholarship Committee: This committee shall be composed of a minimum of
three (3) chapter members and shall review and nominate candidates for Chapter
awards as approved by the Executive Committee. Award winners will be selected by
vote of the committee members.
b. Membership Committee: This committee shall be composed of a minimum of two (2)
Chapter members and responsibilities are to recruit new members, encourage former
members to rejoin, and promote participation in the Chapter and Society.
c. Nominations Committee: This committee shall be composed of a minimum of two (2)
chapter members and responsibilities are to name a slate of candidates for the Chapter
offices of President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Immediate Past President shall
chair this committee.
d. Program Committee: This committee shall be composed of a minimum of two (2)
Chapter members, including the President-Elect as chairperson. The Program
Committee shall work with the Executive Committee to coordinate arrangements for
the annual meeting, including determining the meeting location, administering
registration (if applicable), collecting fees, generating publicity, and assembling and
administering the program.
e. Student Affairs Committee: This committee shall bring student needs, concerns, and
issues to the attention of the Executive Committee.
f. Audit Committee: This committee shall be composed of a minimum of two (2) Chapter
members that are not current or incoming Executive Committee members and shall
audit the accounts of the Treasurer and report to the Chapter at the annual business
g. Sponsorship Committee: This committee shall consist of at least two (2) Chapter
members. Duties of the committee shall include soliciting and securing
donations/sponsorships for meeting functions from vendors and other potential donors,
coordinating with Program Committee regarding funds available for meetings, and
communicating possible changes to sponsorship levels.
h. Website Committee: This committee shall be composed of a minimum of two (2)
Chapter members. Duties of the committee shall include developing and maintaining
the Chapter’s website to provide information and newsworthy items relevant to the
mission of the Chapter and ensuring that all links and information are current and
(d) Special Committees may be commissioned by the President at any time for specific, time-limited purposes. A special committee shall be disbanded upon completion of the specified project and subsequent report to the Executive Committee or the Chapter.
Article 8 – Voting and Quorum
(a) All decisions at meetings are decided by a simple majority vote by eligible members, except for
bylaw revision which requires a 2/3 majority of members casting vote.
(b) A quorum at any meeting for transaction of official business shall be ¼ of the Chapter
(c) Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws or the Constitution of the Society, all Chapter
meetings are conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
(d) Business and voting may be conducted via mail or electronic media if approved by the Executive Committee. Chapter decisions via electronic voting shall be in accordance with the Constitution of the Society.
Article 9 – Dues and Fees
(a) The Executive Committee shall establish annual dues subject to approval of the Chapter
members voting at the annual business meeting.
(b) The Executive Committee may assess registration fees for an annual meeting of the Chapter.
Article 10 – Amendment of Bylaws
(a) The Bylaws of the Chapter may not be amended, nor may the Chapter adopt a plan of merger,
consolidation or dissolution without the affirmative votes of no less than two-thirds (2/3)
majority approval of those members voting, provided that notice of the proposed changes(s) be
given to the membership at least 30 days prior to a meeting. Further, the Chapter may not sell,
lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its assets
without the affirmative votes of no less than two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of those
members voting. If voting is by electronic ballot, members must be given at least 2 weeks to
return their ballots.
(b) In accordance with the Society Constitution, an adopted amendment shall be reviewed by the
Society’s Constitutional Consultant for conformity with the Constitution, Rules and Procedures
of the Society prior to Chapter vote. The Constitutional Consultant presents the adopted
amendment to the Society Management Committee for approval.
(c) Amendments take effect when the Chapter receives written notice of their approval by the
Society’s Management Committee from the Executive Committee.
Article 11 – Dissolution
(a) Upon the dissolution of the Chapter, the Executive Committee shall, after paying or making
provision for the payment of all liabilities of the Chapter, transfer all assets to The American
Fisheries Society.
Article 12 – Liability
(a) No member of the Executive, Standing, or Special Committee shall be liable to anyone for any
acts in behalf of the Chapter or any omissions with respect to the Chapter committed by such
director, except for his or her own willful neglect or misconduct, nor shall any member of the
Executive, Standing, or Special Committee be liable to anyone for any act of neglect or default
on the part of any one or more of the other members of the Executive, Standing, or Special