Upcoming Meetings

Save The Date - September 23rd-24th, 2021

Hello Chapter,

Hopefully everyone is starting to see some sort of semblance of regularity in your lives by this point in time.  With that in mind, I am excited to announce a few important pieces of information regarding your ALAFS chapter.

  1. I am pleased to “re”-announce the 2021 annual meeting for the Alabama Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. The meeting dates and location will be Thursday, September 23rd 2021 – Friday, September 24th  2021 at the Kick Back Ranch and Event Center in Ramer, Alabama. Deadline for reduced price pre-registration is August 19, 2021. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending this meeting!
  2. This is also the FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS/POSTERS!  Please Click here to register for the meeting and find out more information about abstract submissions and poster presentation guidelines.
  3. Lastly, I want to remind everyone of the availability of the David Bayne Scholarship! This scholarship is awarded to a deserving graduate student each year. Please click here for further details, submission instructions, and deadlines for the David Bayne Scholarship.  We HIGHLY encourage ALL graduate students that meet the qualifications outlined in the document to apply for the scholarship.  We would love to expand scholarship opportunities to students if and only if a high number of applications provide the demand to do so.

A time specific meeting agenda will be provided in future announcements.  Please share with students, colleagues, employees, etc. that may not be included in this email, and please contact me to have people added to our email list.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.


Keith Henderson
ALAFS Chapter President